JS-ImageDiff Jasmine Demo:

Using the Jasmine matchers, it is possible to test Canvas. Sample images from the github imagediff demo. Example by humble software development.


  // Matchers
  beforeEach(function () {

  // Test
  it('should convert be the same image', function () {

      a = new Image(),
      b = new Image();
    a.src = 'images/1_normal_a.jpg';
    b.src = 'images/1_normal_a.jpg';

    waitsFor(function () {
      return a.complete & b.complete;
    }, 'image not loaded.', 2000);

    runs(function () {
      expect(a).toImageDiffEqual(b); // imagediff expects Image, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D or ImageData
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