JS-ImageDiff Jasmine Demo:
Using the Jasmine matchers, it is possible to test Canvas. Sample images from the github imagediff demo. Example by humble software development.
Using the Jasmine matchers, it is possible to test Canvas. Sample images from the github imagediff demo. Example by humble software development.
// Matchers beforeEach(function () { this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine); }); // Test it('should convert be the same image', function () { var a = new Image(), b = new Image(); a.src = 'images/1_normal_a.jpg'; b.src = 'images/1_normal_a.jpg'; waitsFor(function () { return a.complete & b.complete; }, 'image not loaded.', 2000); runs(function () { expect(a).toImageDiffEqual(b); // imagediff expects Image, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D or ImageData }); });